Paul Shanahan

Paul Shanahan: Microsoft:
Session title: Mixed Reality and HoloLens 2 – what this means for business
Session Summary:
Humans forget 80% of what they learn after 30 days.   2 million manufacturing jobs will go unfulfilled due to skills gaps.   90% of megaprojects go over budget.   So while technology has brought great gains to business productivity over the last 30 years, there is much more that can and needs to be done to meet customer requirements. This is particularly notable for first line workers, who have traditionally been underserved by tech.
Since releasing HoloLens in 2016 as the world’s first untethered, holographic computer that you wear, we have been working deeply with customers to understand what real, transformative solutions are. Through substantive learning’s, we have a clarity of what scenarios are driving the biggest impacts today – such as 25% productivity gains, 100% skills retention increases and 100% first time right benefits. For these scenarios, we believe it’s critical that all customers can get value “out of the box” through both Microsoft and our Mixed Reality Partner applications.

Paul Shanahan is the Cloud Business Group Lead for Microsoft Ireland and has spent the majority of his career working with organisations to understand the true power of transformative technology on the workforce. Having spent time in the Irish Defence Forces and studying Human Resources in National College of Ireland, Paul turned to tech as the Devices lead and then Security Lead for Microsoft Ireland and most recently working in Microsoft EMEA as a Solutions Lead for Security and Mobility solutions.


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